Do you consider yourself lucky or un-lucky? Your conception might very well define the outcome.
The Law of Attraction is about like attracts like. If you feel un-lucky, you will attract un-luck. If you feel lucky, you will attract luck.
Many years ago, I considered myself to be a very un-lucky person. If I joined a competition, I already knew I would lose, before I started. Even when all odds were for me, I ended up with a bad result, like the year, where I had more than 50% chance of winning an object, I won, as the last person, and got my lowest priority.
My mind was already made up – I was un-lucky, and that was that.
Researches have shown that most un-lucky people also consider themselves to be so. And lucky people consider themselves being lucky. Surprisingly enough, it also seems as if luck can be created.
What does it take to change from being an un-lucky person to a lucky person?
Really only two things:
Open minds
Open eyes
First of all, you have to have an open mind to opportunities. If you think right from the start that you have lost, there’s no use in joining the competition. You will lose no matter what.
On the other hand, if you decide to let fate have it’s way, and have an open mind, you might very well receive important information, which could change the out-come, and you end up being the winner.
Close-minded people might get the same information, but dismiss it as useless.
When my kids were small, my son would never take a walk, without finding a coin. It happened every time we were outside. All of a sudden, he would run a few steps away from me, bow down, and pick up the coin he just spotted.
He was deeply convinced that he would always be lucky and find a coin on the street, so he kept his eyes open, and naturally always found what he was focusing on.
To change is really simple – you just have to open up your mind to opportunities, and your eyes to see them. This doesn’t mean that it’s easy. Habits take a long time to change.
By being observant to your feelings, and to change your thoughts whenever they are not in harmony with your goal, you will – little by little – go from being unlucky to lucky.